Privacy policy

Privacy Policy

Description of the register

1. Privacy policy

Personal Data Act (523/99) 10 §
Date of issue 6.4.2010

1.1. Register holder

Optisell Ltd
Teollisuustie 17

1.2. Controller and contact information

Optisell Ltd
Y-tunnus: 2548487-3
Teollisuustie 17

1.3. Name of the register webshop user register

1.4. Purpose for the processing of personal data (purpose for the use of the register) webshop information and personal data stored at the user registered is being used for maintaining customer relations, contacting customers, marketing purposes and for other purposes related to network services.

1.5. Content of the register

Register holds basic customer information such as:
- name
- address
- telephone number
- e-mail address

1.6. Regular sources of information

Register holder only keeps the information which user gives to when using the webshop services.

1.7. Regular destinations of disclosed data and whether the data is transferred to countries outside EU or EEA

No regular disclosures of data to third parties. No regular disclosures of data outside EU and ETA areas.

1.8. Principles how the data file/register is secured  webshop user register information is stored on the controller's system which is secured with encryption software provided by operation system manufacturer. Access to system requires username and password. System is secured with firewalls and other similar technical options. Only certain, chosen employees have access to information on the register. System containing register information is kept in a locked facility under surveillance.

1.9.  Prohibition right concerning the registered information

User has the right to deny the register controller to process one's information concerning direct advertising, remote sales, marketing research as well as genealogy or similar purposes. Prohibition of information processing must be a written document addressed to controller responsible of the register.

1.10. Inspection right concerning the registered information

User having personal data stored in the register has the right to inspect one's personal information that is stored and to receive a copy of such information. Inspection request must be a written document addressed to controller responsible of the register.

1.11. Information correction

The register controller may correct, delete, or complete information stored in the register that is faulty, unnecessary, incomplete, or outdated concerning the purpose of processing. This may be executed unprompted or upon request from the end user of the register. The register controller corrects, deletes, or completes personal data in the register that is faulty, unnecessary, incomplete, or outdated concerning the purpose of processing, either on their own initiative or upon the request of the data subject. The correction request must be a written document addressed to the controller responsible for the register.